Each and every doubt will be resolved by faculty members and personal assistance will be there to all the students.
All the recordings of live classes are available. In case you miss any class then you can always refer to the recordings. There is no limit on recordings. A student may watch a recording any number of times.
15 Full Mocks | 45 Section wise tests | Upto 250 topic tests will be provided.
Complete set of study materials & practice materials will be available from our side.
There will be live classes from 10 to 12 in night. Each and every concept will be taught from the very basics.
24 x 7 doubt solving is there. A discussion forum will be provided to the students for doubt solving assistance. One can ask their doubts anytime and get them clarified.
MBA Aspirants
90 & above Percentilers
IIM Converts
Other MBA College Converts
You can contact with us for anykinds of informations and help. We are ready to help you.