XAT 2025
This post outlines the broad framework of your journey towards CAT. We have broken it into a few steps based on the timeline.
STEP 1- PRE ANALYSIS (only for newbies or first-time test takers)
Before starting this journey, one should take a mock or previous year exam without any time limit. This implies, attempt all the questions and perform a SWOT analysis based on your performance. Following should be the key parameter on which you should judge yourself and mark your progress promptly:
-Questions that you could solve easily fall under the strength category.
-Questions that seem familiar but you couldn’t solve them falls under the opportunity category.
-Questions that you left that were completely unfamiliar with, falls under weakness.
-For now, threat is not an option. You have time to start a topic from scratch. Start learning.
Now, you are familiar with the exam pattern, your strength and weakness, so let’s begin step 2, the preparation
STEP 2- PREPARATION (for Newbies, CAT repeaters, working and non-working.)
Basics play a significant role in your Cat preparation. Level 1 and Level 2 types of questions for all the topics should be completed by June/July. Here, One should pay attention to the concept in spite of mugging up the formulae. A strategy is only helpful if it is implemented correctly.Make your plan realistic.
The number of hours is just an indicative number; it highly depends on your strength and your development areas.
STEP 3 – REALITY CHECK (March / April )
You should evaluate yourself on a timely basis, once you are done with any topic, first solve numerous questions to get a grip on the concept.
You can follow our Facebook group for the same https://www.facebook.com/groups/CrackTheCAT
Or follow any recommended books for cat preparation, list of this will be uploaded shortly.
You should start taking sectional tests after March/April, evaluate them and then compare them with the SWOT analysis done in the beginning stage.
A hypothetical example can show a logical representation of this, suppose you have completed Time and Work today and tomorrow you plan to give a sectional test, it is highly likely that your performance is remarkable. This happens because the concept is freshly loaded in your mind . One must let it settle and recheck it after some time.
Warning :
If you are spending more than a couple of hours on FB group or other portals, it can prove to be horrendous for your journey. The type of questions in most of the groups are limited and sometimes beyond the coverage of CAT. Moreover, they are skewed highly towards quantitative aptitude which forms just one of the three sections of CAT. You must pay equal attention to the other two sections as well.
Step 4 : THE TEST SEASON (July or August)
When someone claims “the more mocks you take, the more score you ‘ll get in CAT” take it as a myth. The number of mocks plays a minute role in the process, the primary role is performed by the analysis of these mocks. Now a question arises
How should I analyze a mock?
You should ask the following questions after giving every mock. I would recommend you to prepare a checklist for your future reference.
- Have you attempt the questions serial wise, not paying attention to which topic or category it belongs? If yes,
Advice: You must look for the questions which are your strengths as per the analysis performed till date. - Do you feel panicky during the mock and couldn’t solve the question which you could solve easily now? if yes,
Advice: It maybe because of the running clock at the right corner, in spite of getting panicked and seeing the clock again and again, one should focus more on solving the question as quick as possible.
It may be because of a lack of revision. Revise the concepts again, solve a few questions of that question type, and beware the next time. - Are you missing sitters in the exam? if yes,
Advice: Your Question selection is not right, you need to work on it. Write down your strength & development areas and make it a habit of starting your exam with your strong areas. - Is there a remarkable difference between the time spent by you and the average time spent by other students? if yes,
Advice: It is not only about solving questions correctly, but its also about the time taken, search for the best way to solve that particular question in the relative time and practice more to increase your speed. - Is Verbal Ability Section not a cup of your tea?
This section is a pain to most of the CAT takers. To improve in this section you need to align with the thought process of the author. During analysis, read the complete solution even if you have answered it correctly, focus on the ideologies or concepts to tackle that particular type of question.
Once you are done with the analysis part, calculate the marks that you could score if you have attempted all the sitters(easy question) or the questions from your strong areas. Also, add questions where you have made a silly mistake. This is your potential score.
Now, check the deviation from the actual score. AWESTRUCK? Now start reducing this gap with each mock through proper analysis.
If you fall short of mocks, past year actual CAT exams papers (1990-2008) can be a good source for practice.
If you follow this religiously no one can stop you from scoring (98-99)+ percentile.
Website for Elites Grid: www.elitesgrid.com
Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/CrackTheCAT